When you visit your prospects,
YOU are like a walking billboard, but just what are you advertising?
your clothing is extremely important, there is something even more important
than apparel.
It is the attitude that you bring to the prospect.
Did you know
that you can choose your attitude and thoughts just like you choose the clothes
you wear?
I'd like to take a few moments to discuss how this works.
You choose your attitude by selecting your thoughts.
Your attitude merely
responds to what you are thinking about.
For example when you think upon a
positive experience of the past, your thoughts will bring back those
exhilarating emotions into the present.
However, when you think upon a negative
experience, your mind will bring back those miserable feelings into the
In this way, when we choose our thoughts, we choose our attitudes.
This explanation may seem over simplified, but go ahead.
Conduct a test of a
positive thought and then a negative thought for about 2 minutes each in
Then, as you do, monitor your emotions. You'll see that I'm right.
I recently had an argument with another person.
We were just talking, but then
he began to raise his voice and get emotional about what he was saying.
Then, I
too got upset, and the conversation began to unravel.
I later reflected upon
what I did to contribute to the situation and apologized THAT DAY.
Then, I
forgave him and myself, and dismissed it from my mind.
It is a healthy thing to
reflect upon mistakes THAT DAY, but it is unhealthy to carry pain into the
If you think about it, most of what happens in our lives is positive.
Most of
us have our health, plenty of food to eat, a warm place to sleep, and good
We have a lot to be thankful for. However, a lot of us get
preoccupied with the one thing or the next thing that we don't have.
In the
Bible, God created a man band woman and placed them into a paradise called
They had everything except access to a forbidden fruit.
Instead of
focusing on all the good things they had, they were drawn to the one thing that
they didn't have, which sealed their doom.
In the same way, we must focus on
what we do have, or we'll experience a similar fate.
A lot of us sabotage our future with negative thoughts.
Instead of reflecting
upon all the things that are going right, we gravitate to the one thing that is
going wrong.
If we don't purposely fill out minds with good thoughts, our minds
tend to gravitate into negativity.
If we can't find something wrong in the
present, we even go back into our memories and relive a painful experience.
We must
habitually remember the good things and be grateful for what we have, or we'll
gravitate into negativity.
What does all this have to do with being successful calling on prospects?
Within each business, there are negative and positive people.
The negative
people are the ones who say that nothing is being sold; nothing works, and
focuses on bad circumstances.
They drift from business to business because they
can't keep a job.
If you have a negative attitude, you are going to connect
with those individuals who are like-minded.
You'll enjoy talking to them about
how bad things are, and gravitate to them during your visits.
In other words,
I'm not
saying to write them off, but to be cautious.
On the other hand, there are the ones with all the awards on the wall who walk with a smile on their face and a spring in their step.
If you go into the
prospect with a can-do attitude, then the high producers will take notice band
consider you a resource.
Then, they'll bring you into the inter-circle because
they have the C.E.O.'s ear.
Don't be so naive and think that everyone is going
to like you.
You're going to attract individuals who are like whoever you are.
My question to you is what are you thinking, and how those thoughts are
impacting you.
Remember, with your thoughts, you attract success or failure
like a magnet.
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