It’s almost amusing to see. Sales reps scurrying away when they find out that YOU are trying to sell THEM something. Usually, it works the other way around. They swarm you the minute that you take a step onto their sales floor. Now, it’s as if you’ve got the plague. You make your way to their manager. He (or she) says that he’s not interested. They’re not generating any business. They’re going with a competitor. On and on they go. While you’re still speaking, he or she turns their back on you and walks away. When you go to the prospect, do you sometimes feel abused? No wonder you never want to go back. Many prospects remain unvisited throughout the country for the reasons just mentioned. Have you ever realized that if you can learn to effectively work ALL your prospects that you could make A LOT OF MONEY? The most difficult visit that you will ever make to a prospect is your very firs...